Today health, fitness and beauty are for the most people very important. Many trying to figure out a good nutrition. Other keeping health with fitness and training and some are doing some wellness on beautyfarms. For a better and a longer life here are some tips, ideas and things I wanted to share to stay in good shape and health.
Saturday, October 28, 2017
50 Kettlebell Swings every Day
If you want to lose weight, the Kettlebell is the right thing for you. 50 Kettlebell Swings every day irrespective of the normal Workout. After a few days you notice that you are stronger and have increased your mobility, especially in your lower back and legs. Of course you also burn a lot of calories. Start here and now if you want to lose weight with the Kettlebell. Pay attention when you swing that the swing comes from the hip and not from the arms. The arms are working like a pendulum and do just hold the weight from the Kettlebell. Watch other videos where they talk about the Russian swing resp. showing hip hinge style swings. I do not recommend the american swing. There are also videos why that swing isn't that good. Have fun swinging.
I've been training for some time with the Kettlebell now and I've lost around 20 Kg. This didn't happen without some food change. The main part was less carbohydrate and no sugar.
My results were so good that even work mates and my wife have bought a Kettlebell and have also begun to train with it.